This painting was developed from some shamanic work I did exploring my relationship with ‘the ancestors’.

It is one in a series of five maps I was gifted with to share during a journey in order to deepen my understanding of and connection with the ancestors.

It took me many years to really get this whole ‘ancestor honouring’ malarkey, to really find a connection that I could feel, relate to and ground within my day to day life.

Within my journey I was introduced to the map that we all come from two ancestral lineages, the red ancestors and the white ancestors. Our physical blood ancestry being that of the red ancestors and our spiritual ancestry being that of the white ancestors (these are sometimes the same, but often not.) Each of them hold very specific and different medicines and teachings for us.

Part of what I love about the shamanic path, is that it is the path of becoming an expert in asking for help. There is so much help and assistance available to us, all we have to do is ‘ask’, and the ancestors are no exception.

Truly engaging and working consciously with support and guidance from your ancestors is a very beautiful and rewarding path, one that I have found is filled with increasing humility and gratitude. Equally not being in right relationship with your ancestors can sometimes be the cause of disharmony and problems in your life.

We are here, now, living this life because of our ancestors, everything we have in our life today is thanks to our ancestors – our health, our family and friends, our opportunities, everything we hold dear as well as all the challenges and invitations to grow in our life too.

  • How is your present relationship and connection with your ancestors?
  • What could you do to deepen and develop your connection with them?
  • How would you ground this in your day to day life?

To all my ancestors you have my heartfelt gratitude for this life I have the opportunity to live and all its gifts.

Blessings to you on your path.

Gabrielle x