‘The House Of My Ancestors’traveling a full circle and returning home…

This painting is taken from some recent shamanic work around belonging and finding the home of our ancestors – our true home.

The works’ focus was on forging a deep connection with our lineage and finding our true place amongst our kin.

It is about claiming the power and gifts of our heritage, knowing that we no longer need face our path alone, but instead stand shoulder to shoulder with all of our kin who came before us.They are waiting for us to but ask.

To live a life without a connection with your ancestors is like being a tree, trying to thrive without deep roots. It is an unnecessary hardship, we have so many helping ancestors willing to help, guide and support us as we walk through this life.

Wishing you all many blessings from your ancestors, may you live well with them, thrive and grow deep roots.

Gabrielle x


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